I Used To Blog More....

I just can't seem to muster the creativity or time to sit down to blog as often as I used to. I want to. I still like to blog, to share with friends and family what is going on and to record for posterity the happenings of our crazy family. I'm just in a terrible slump. You may have noticed I haven't done "G" yet in my A-Z thing. Honestly, I've had some ideas but when it comes down to actually writing about it...I'm just not there right now. Part of the problem is my inability to write a post in less than one hour. It is terribly time-consuming. And time is at a premium around here.

Here is what is happening around this place lately, just so I can't be accused of not keeping you up-to-date:

  • We are all better. We all seem to be having some residual coughing but it isn't bad. I'm glad to be "well" again and looking forward to a better week than last week.
  • Maddie is really pulling herself up a lot. She has even figured out how to get herself up the step that goes from our living room to our hallway. Occasionally, though, she gets her bottom up high in the air but doesn't have anywhere to go from there. And so she falls flat on her face. That can't be too enjoyable on these hard tile floors. Poor baby.
  • Speaking of our little ray of sunshine. Oh my, but does she ever have a temper. As my Mom would say, "her little sin nature is coming out." Yes, already. She gets frustrated and mad easily. In a way, it's cute when she kicks her little feet and throws herself back with a roar and a beet-red face. I distinctly remember Brooklyn starting to be willful when she turned 18 months old. Maddie is at it 6 months ahead of schedule. Oh boy.
  • Brooklyn is still really loving school. It seems to be just the thing for her. She actually enjoys both schools she goes to - both Spanish and English. She is thriving and learning and changing and growing. It is just amazing to watch.
  • Our kittens moved next door which works out very well for us! We don't have to feed them or worry about Maya "playing" with them too much or deal with the stink of kitty dumplings out the back door. We do need to catch them soon, though, and give them to the people that wanted to take them home. I'm not sure how that will go. They have made their home underneath our neighbor's house and I doubt those kitties will be quick to come back out after the last time, when we captured them and tried to make them stay in the backyard with the dog. I don't know how we'll ever get them back, but I'll probably just leave it up to the neighbors to get them out of of there anyway :-) What with all the roosters and chickens and ducks and geese and dogs and cats and goodness knows what else in their yard, I don't think they much care if there are cats living under their house. In fact, they seem more than happy to take the kittens off our hands. If I hadn't already promised the kittens to some other people, I'd just call it good.


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