She's One Year Old!
Today is Maddie's first birthday. I can't believe it! I don't know if a year has ever gone by so quickly in my life before. It was a good day. We went to church this morning after a breakfast of banana pancakes, fresh strawberries and whipped cream...Maddie missed her special birthday breakfast because she just had to go to sleep for her morning nap before we got it all together - but the rest of us enjoyed it for her! After church, I decorated our dining room up a little bit and made her cake (strawberry - just like Mom used to make for us on our birthdays , YUM!) Maddie got to talk to each of her grandparents over Skype and they all got to see her lookin' cute in her birthday dress. Oh the magic of internet, Skype, and video cameras - what would we do without them? At the last minute, I decided we needed somebody to help us eat that cake and to help us celebrate Maddie's big day. A few of our friends came over and it was a great time. Maddie went to sleep for the night early tonight - this day was packed with more excitement than she's used to on a Sunday! I can't believe my baby is a year old already.
Hmm, putting a lighted candle within arms reach of a baby was maybe not the smartest thing I've done. Brooklyn got it blown out for her in time, though.
"Oh....that's good!"
I love this picture. It is priceless. I just wish I knew what was going on in that little head of hers!
Brooklyn had just as much fun as Maddie today. She loves it when her friends come over to our house to play, she loves cake, she loves singing, she adores get the idea! She was really so sweet singing "Happy Birthday" to Maddie all day and helping to make the day special for her baby sister. We talked about the day Maddie was born and remembered what a little bitty thing she was just a year ago. They've both changed so much over the past year! **sound of my heart breaking**

Hmm, putting a lighted candle within arms reach of a baby was maybe not the smartest thing I've done. Brooklyn got it blown out for her in time, though.

"Oh....that's good!"

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