We are already in our THIRD week of homeschooling! Wow, we've been so busy the first few weeks have have just flown by. We're getting in our groove at last and I've got to say - we're having a blast! We got off to a bit of a rough start. Brooklyn was sick her first week and she was in no mood to do school, but I pushed her anyway because I didn't think she was that sick. She looked like she despised everything we did in school, even when we were doing things I had expected her to enjoy. Near the end of that first week, I began to wonder if she had something more serious going on but lab tests for Malaria and Dengue came back negative. Then I worried some more - was I killing my child's joy in learning with bad curriculum choices?! Was she actually depressed or going through a major emotional, developmental shift? (She was really not herself.) Was the spelling we were doing that horrible? What was wrong?! The second week went better but Brooklyn was s...