Brooklyn age 9, an interview

I can't believe my little girl is NINE YEARS OLD! We adore this little girl and are so proud of her. She's so sweet and outgoing. She had special birthday wishes from friends of all ages on her special day - kids and grown-ups I didn't realize she'd made such good friends with were stopping by with gifts or sending texts just for her! That's just Brooklyn - making friends with anybody and everybody....and making sure they know when her birthday is. ;-)
Brooklyn loves her family and she's not outgrown us yet, thank goodness! What a joy Brooklyn is to her father, sisters, and me. She's thoughtful and sentimental, a huge help around the house, and a great big sister if a touch bossy (but only because she cares so much)! She struggles sometimes because all of her best friends live in other areas of Indonesia and the world but she's really got a TON of friends right here in Palangkaraya, beginning with her two adoring little sisters. Seriously, they will do everything she says just because they look up to her so much.
Brooklyn LOVES movies and watching TV. As a Mom, this concerns me but I have come to realize that my tender-hearted little girl is just like me in that she loves a good story, whatever the medium. We can both get so wrapped up in a good story (fictional or non) - we really feel what is happening to the characters and are deeply moved by their lives. Brooklyn loves princess stories best right now - we both prefer happy endings, of course! I am hoping to introduce Brooklyn to the worlds of Little House on the Prairie and Anne of Green Gables in the coming year - oh what fun we two story girls will have reading the books and watching the movies!
I'm looking forward to teaching this smart little whipper-snapper THIRD grade and I can't wait to see how she grows and changes over the next year.
Happy Birthday Brooklyn!
What is your favorite activity? Playing with Barbies, dressing up dolls, riding my bike, swimming, and having fun with friends.
What is your favorite color? Pink!
What is your favorite toy? American girl dolls and mini-dolls, Barbies
Who are your best friends? Hannah, Hattie, Faith, and Hadassah
What do you want to be when you grow up? A flight attendant and a pilot on the side. Why? Because Daddy's a pilot and I like going on long journeys.
What does Dad do all day? Work at the dock.
What does Mom do all day? Takes naps? Ha, ha, just kidding. Ummm....cooks and teaches school.
What do you do all day? Play, watch TV, school
What are your favorite books? Junie B. Jones, All the Ways I Love You, Princess Bedtime Stories, and American Girl books.
What are your favorite movies? "Kit," "Felicity," Little Mermaid, and Aladdin
What are your favorite foods? Hot dogs, hamburgers, pizza, mie goreng (Indonesian fried noodles)
What makes you happy? My family and friends and our nice, big house!
What makes you sad? Sometimes my sisters play without me.
What makes you mad? When someone does something mean to me.
What is your favorite thing to do with Dad? Go on floatplane rides, play the Wii, play legos, eat together
What is your favorite thing to do with Mom? Help cook, do school, watch TV, eat together or go out to eat, watch movies.

Last year's interview here.


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