Laugh with me #1

So earlier I mentioned a few catastrophes that happened in our time at the hotel on Brooklyn's birthday. Well, the week got hectic, our homeschool stuff arrived, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera (quick, what movie is that from? It's one of my favorites) and well, I'm only just now getting around to telling you all about it. Here's the first...

Paige has a thing about locking doors...see Exhibit A and Exhibit B. Really, she has a thing about locking doors and then freaking out and not being able to unlock them herself again and she will not be coerced into trying the lock again. She just sits in there saying, "I tan't! I tan't!" while her parents cajole, coerce, bribe, and threaten from the other side of the door. This is a very unfortunate habit to have in Indonesia where there are so many doors, so many locks, and so many doors that lock but have no child safety features built in for parents of children addicted to locking themselves into rooms.

You see where this is going, don't you?

We were all resting in our hotel room after dinner, sort of napping, sort of watching the Olympics. Little people were entertaining themselves and Paige went to the bathroom. Pretty soon I'm hearing all these telltale clicks from the bathroom door and I know she's locked herself in.

Thus began the cajoling, coercing, bribing, and threatening. And the "I tan't! I just tan'ts!"

Finally, we had to call the front desk and ask them to send some maitenence guys with a key for the door. I breathed a sigh of relief knowing that at least there was a key hole on the door. It would be as simple as the guys bringing the key to let my little Door Locker out.


The maintence guys came, they saw, they went for tools...because apparently nobody thought to save the keys to the bathroom doors. Of course not. They didn't count on some crazy Americans with a wild, independent, door-locking three year old staying the night, apparently.

Soon, they returned with a screwdriver and some pliers. And a ladder. They first thought maybe they could climb up through an air vent into the bathroom and unlock it but as they looked up in the ceiling, they realized that wouldn't work. Which left tearing out some slats at the bottom of the door in order to reach up and unlock the door.

Excuse the bad cell phone picture. Conveniently, the corner of the bathroom was made of frosted glass so you can see trapped Paige inside playing while three men struggle to rescue her. Later, when our dessert was being delivered by room service those buns were - ahem - less clothed and pressed up against the glass. (She was supposed to be getting ready to go swimming again.) We are so classy.
It was all rather flabbergasting as you can see by the expressions in the above picture. Sean had to help. Eventually, they did get out the first slat and when they tried to reach up and unlock the door, for some reason it wasn't working. They excitedly told Sean that she just needed to pull down really hard on the handle and the door would unlock itself! So we cajoled and bribed and coerced and threatened again and poor little Paigey tried, she really did. I think it would have worked...if indeed, the bathroom door lock and knob were actually as the maintenence guys imagined. Which they were not.

When it became apparent Paige wasn't going to get the door open herself (again), they worked on the next slat. It was finally big enough for Sean to reach his arm through. In one second, he had the door unlocked and Paige was out!

We Cannons like to leave a mark on any place we stay. That brand new hotel room (#3323) now bears the scars of a Cannon visit!

Up I now bear the scars of our hotel stay!


  1. Oh my word, that is hilarious! What a GREAT birthday for Brooklyn! Looks like everyone had a wonderful time!


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