Laugh with me #2

So, Sean does this thing when we are at hotels. When we get off the elevator on our floor, he starts speedwalking, which immediately makes everybody else speed up their pace as well. Eventually, everybody is running pell-mell down the hall (what does pell-mell mean? did I use that right?) trying to be the first to the room. Of course the girls all giggle and it is such fun until Paige starts to fall behind and then it becomes screaming and crying for her.

I'm usually bringing up the rear (and shushing everybody) and I usually wind up grabbing Paige's hand and running with her, letting her at least beat me. (Yeah, I like to think I am still capable of beating a three year old in a foot race. This is what I tell myself, that I am letting her win.) So that was what we were doing, racing down the hall, Paige and I, hand-in-hand. Sean and Brooklyn were long gone but Maddie was still with us, sort of struggling along with her large, wet beach towel.

Maddie then had a great idea to rid herself of all that entangles her. Very Biblical, this girl. Just as she cut in front of Paige and me, she dropped her towel.

I had about .0000001 seconds to realize there was now a major obstacle in my way before my feet were entangled in wet towel and I was flying. Poor Paige, who was still holding my hand was thrown a good mile or so and I landed with a hard thud onto the green carpet of the hall.

I am not as young as I once was, back when things like this were a daily occurrence. I laid there with my face in the carpet taking stock of my body parts and making sure they were still attached, half giggling, half crying. I was just glad nobody saw me...until I glanced up and saw the security camera focused on me.

Was somebody in some darkened room sitting in front of a screen seeing all this? Despite the agonizing pain on my left knee, I quickly got a hold of myself, got up, helped Paige up, picked up that stupid towel, and continued down the hall at a respectable limp.

I wound up with a rug burn of epic proportions. Not according to Sean, who apparently knows all about rug burns and has had far worse and could not believe how much I whined about my painful, huge rug burn. But for a woman of 30, whose last rug burn happened say, 20 years ago, this was a big, terrible, bad boo-boo.

It is healing nicely, thanks for asking.

I'm not sure if we can ever go back to that hotel.


  1. Oh my goodness, Becca! I haven't laughed that hard for a long, long time!!! Bless your heart! Keep it up! (not the falling! . . . But the wonderful sense of humor and sharing it!!!)

    love you all,
    Aunt Anita

  2. Oh, gosh. I needed that laugh. I could visualize it all perfectly. :)Of course, I only laughed after I was sure you're okay...ahem. Actually, I feel your pain. Fell the other day myself. You know you're getting old when the panic that someone saw you comes AFTER the mental check list of all body parts. Love ya!


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