Yep, we're busy!

Wow! We have been a busy family this past couple of weeks. It's Monday morning and I'm finally finding some time to sit down and say "hi." But it is good to be busy and we're all doing really great. Sean is really busy flying these days since he's the only pilot in Palangka Raya right now. He comes home tired but I also see that little twinkle in his eye that tells me he's having a blast. I love that my husband loves his job! English Club is so much fun! I'm writing a more informative post about that soon, so stay tuned! My niece just graduated from high school! Ack! I can't believe Catie is a high school graduate. I am SO proud of that girl and the beautiful person she's become both inside and out. I felt terribly homesick this past weekend, knowing I was missing out on her big day. We are getting so excited for our upcoming MAF Kalimantan Family Conference. We get to go to a new-to-us city, stay in a nice hotel near the beach, an...