What life sounds like right now...

Here in Java, our house is much smaller, closer to the street and the houses next door, and surrounded on all sides by neighbors who do the majority of their living outside. Their water source is a well in the back yard next door, shared by several families. They don't have washing machines or dishwashers so all that washing is done outside next to the well. The kids get bathed (twice a day) in a plastic tub while the adults take a "shower" in a makeshift shower space made out of tin near the well. We hear all of it - the washing, the clanging dishes, the splashing water, the sneezes and coughs - because our windows stay open and even when they're shut they don't seal out much noise. Our Salatiga home While the Javanese are really quite laid-back and quiet people, we've learned that certain noise is acceptable. Even as I type this, the neighbors in the house behind ours are blaring their music for the whole neighborhood to enjoy. It isn't considered...