Newsy bits

What a week! I'm not really sure what we accomplished or all that happened but this has been a busy week. I suppose I should just get used to it, right? Paige is potty trained!!! I cannot tell you how happy this makes me. I am re-discovering, though, that having a newly-trained toddler isn't much less of a workload than having one in diapers. When she says the magic words, everything I'm doing must be stopped at once so I can "helpie" her. For the most part, Sean's training is finished. He needs to take a check-ride with someone from Jakarta to complete his Indonesian licensing but that has proved difficult to arrange. Please pray that can happen soon so Sean can start flying operationally...solo! If I had a penny for every time I have heard Sean say: "Flying that 185 on floats is hard...but it's so fun. So fun. So fun!" ...I'd be able to buy him his own 185 on floats. In just over one week our friends are going to be moving away to...