
Showing posts from May, 2011

Newsy bits

What a week!  I'm not really sure what we accomplished or all that happened but this has been a busy week.  I suppose I should just get used to it, right? Paige is potty trained!!!  I cannot tell you how happy this makes me.  I am re-discovering, though, that having a newly-trained toddler isn't much less of a workload than having one in diapers.  When she says the magic words, everything I'm doing must be stopped at once so I can "helpie" her. For the most part, Sean's training is finished.  He needs to take a check-ride with someone from Jakarta to complete his Indonesian licensing but that has proved difficult to arrange.  Please pray that can happen soon so Sean can start flying operationally...solo!   If I had a penny for every time I have heard Sean say: "Flying that 185 on floats is hard...but it's so fun. So fun.  So fun!" ...I'd be able to buy him his own 185 on floats. In just over one week our friends are going to be moving away to

Blogging on the MAF Blog

Check out my first post on the MAF blog here !

Good Titles

Oh, boy am I ever exhausted.  We're all adjusting to a new routine and life here in Central Borneo.  Things are going quite well, but as can be expected we've had several bumps along the way - mostly those related to me being a full-time Mommy after almost a year off!  The girls are learning how to get along when they are together all day long and I'm learning how to keep them entertained, fed, clothed, happy, disciplined, safe, and educated.  A huge job, but anything worth doing is usually hard ;-) I started to write all about the past week, but I thought a list of possible titles for a book about the last week would be more entertaining. (Mis)Adventures in Yogurt Making: How to Waste Three Days of Your Life 101 Ways to Scratch a Mosquito Bite Potty Training: A Dramatic Re-telling of Real Life Events The Far Side of  Laundry Mountain: How One Woman Survived Against All Odds Parenting for Dummies Hot Mama in Palangka Raya The Indonesian Techno-Gibberish Dictionary for Comp

House Pics

I took a few (or several) pictures of our new house today. Want to take a little tour? Here it is!  Home sweet home. This is our yard as seen from our front gate.  There is a lot of wonderful space for kids to play.  And they do! Not only do our girls enjoy that play area in the back there, but the neighbor kids are also here most afternoons playing as well.  You can't see it, but there is also a "flying fox" or zipline.  That was installed by the family that lived here before us and Brooklyn especially loves it!  The car you see is an MAF vehicle that we can use.  Learning to drive again - and on the left side and in a place where normal driving rules don't exactly always apply- has been an adventure but I really love being able to jump in the car with the girls and get out of the house! I skipped the first room you enter as you come into the front door because it's empty.  Completely.  Eventually, we'll get some furniture for that room too - most Indonesian

A home again!

Our container from Java arrived this morning at about 7 a.m.  It was unloaded by 8 a.m. We've been busily unpacking, cleaning, organizing, and dancing ever since! I'm exhausted tonight, but I wanted to share with those of you who have been praying for us that we're finally in our own home again.  It feels wonderful!  We're spending our first night here and I, for one, can't wait to fall into my sweet new bed for some shut-eye. There's a very loud wedding happening right now, just down the street.  It's loud.  Did I mention there were drums? But I have to be honest - don't care so much tonight.  We're all so tired, I think we'll sleep just fine.  And I really like our neighbors, so it's okay with me if they want to get married on my first night in the neighborhood ;-) We are blessed.  Blessed beyond anything I could ask or imagine. Pictures to come...