Newsy bits

What a week!  I'm not really sure what we accomplished or all that happened but this has been a busy week.  I suppose I should just get used to it, right?

  • Paige is potty trained!!!  I cannot tell you how happy this makes me.  I am re-discovering, though, that having a newly-trained toddler isn't much less of a workload than having one in diapers.  When she says the magic words, everything I'm doing must be stopped at once so I can "helpie" her.
  • For the most part, Sean's training is finished.  He needs to take a check-ride with someone from Jakarta to complete his Indonesian licensing but that has proved difficult to arrange.  Please pray that can happen soon so Sean can start flying operationally...solo!  
  • If I had a penny for every time I have heard Sean say: "Flying that 185 on floats is hard...but it's so fun. So fun.  So fun!" ...I'd be able to buy him his own 185 on floats.
  • In just over one week our friends are going to be moving away to a different town in Indonesia.  I'm trying hard not to feel depressed about that.  
  • Our shipment of household goods is in Jakarta!  It's anybody's guess how quickly it can be processed and sent our way.  We'd appreciate your prayers that the shipment can make it through customs well and arrive safely at our door soon.  Preferably before we have to return to language school in July so we can unpack it. It's never a good idea to leave something like that packed in this kind of climate for a very long time!  Plus, it'd be really awesome to get our stuff! ;-)
  • The mosquito population has boomed in recent days.  We're all covered with itchy bites.  Argh! 
  • Last Saturday, Sean took us all to the old MAF dock.  Now, I can really appreciate how hard it was for the pilots and mechanics here before the new hangar/dock was built!  We also visited another family's helper who lives near the old dock.  The girls had such a fun time playing with their cat, puppy, and chicks!  Our girls LOVE animals!

The girls on the way to the old MAF dock.


  1. Yay for potty trained kids! Although, yes, it is a lot of work to keep up with the wiping and all! Claire is pretty good at going on her own now, although she needs help with putting pants back on, etc, but Natalie STILL wants me to wipe her every time! Yikes! I try the "You're 5 years old, you can wipe yourself!" but it doesn't work very often...

    I hope your crate comes through quickly. Ours got to us within about 2 weeks of the time it got to Jakarta. So there is hope!

    Wow, Sean got through his training FAST! There must not be as many places to get checked out there as there are here... I think that there are about 80 airstrips that Wamena serves and Dan's still not checked out at all of of them... we've been living here almost 3 years! How great that he is about ready to go solo, and how fun that he is loving it so much!

  2. Oh wow I'm soo impressed! Way to go Paige! Gabriel is far from there... Glad your goods made it this far, praying for the rest of the way! Fun to see your pictures as always!


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