
Showing posts from March, 2011

Moving and an update

I'm sorry that Sean and I are both so rare on our blogs these days.  It's crazy busy around here.  We move in 2.5 weeks! Eeek!  We're all very excited around here but there's so much to do....we decided to buy the majority of our furniture here on Java and ship it to Palangkaraya.  It's a lot cheaper for better quality things here, but the real reason we decided this would be best for our family is the simple fact that the moment we arrive in Palangkaraya, Sean is going to need to focus on his training...not on finding and ordering furnishings or helping me pick out the best appliances ;-)  So, we're doing the work on this end with the hope that our transition to life and ministry in Palangkaraya can be a little smoother. First off, we've had help.  There's no way this could happen without some serious financial provision and God is really coming through for us (why am I always so surprised when He does what He says He'll do?!).  For those of you who

I Failed You

I'm sorry about the other day. I didn't have time for you.  I was in a rush, busy, trying to do too much at once, and, above all, calloused to your need.   I chose to look away, to busy myself with my cell phone, texting a message that could have waited another few minutes.  I didn't want to look at your face, so I don't even know what you look like.  But I could see your outstretched hand easily enough and I could hear your words, though I chose to pretend I didn't understand your language. Does it help at all to know, that even as I ignored you, I was thinking to myself, " Is this really what I have become? "   No.   In fact, it condemns me even more.  I not only ignored you, but I also ignored the Holy Spirit, who was prodding me and telling me to just. look. up.  I was just another person on the street who didn't .  Didn't look.  Didn't answer.  Didn't stop.   I didn't listen.  I didn't obey.  I didn't let Him use my hands t

Being Mommy

First of all, just so I don't start getting angry emails and phone calls from family members.... Maybe a picture?   Isn't she cute?  Yes? Well, she's also incredibly... busy . (thus, my excuse for blogging so rarely these days) I love this little squirt. She's growing up so fast.  I don't feel like I get to treasure her sweet little two-year-old self nearly as much as I would like to. And sometimes - probably most times - I get so distracted with any number of things that I miss moments in her life that I'll never get back. I want to enjoy her more, as well as her sisters who are also growing up too fast for this Momma's heart.  Each one of them is in such a unique and darling stage and I don't want to miss one moment of it. Paige talks more and more every day.  It's a bit of a mix between English and Indonesian. She says words like habis  for empty and tidak  for no.  I've been called Bu instead of Mom...usually when she's mad she says, &quo

An Update on Perspective

I haven't updated on just general life here in a while and I have enough on my mind to warrant an actual blog post about it all. So, lately I've had this burning sensation in my shoulders and a near-constant dull headache.  It's stress.  I'm going to go ahead and admit that right now!  Phew.  That feels better.  Hello, my name is Rebecca and I am stressed out .   I'm just being honest. Our schedule has been shaken up a little.  It's nothing we can't handle and I'm convinced that God is in the changes, even if they look a little strange from man's (or woman's) perspective.  We've been asked to go to Palangkaraya (our actual place of ministry and home base in Indonesia) in 6 weeks.  We'll be there for a few months while Sean gets the training he needs from the instructor who will be moving on to a different base within Indonesia.  Then, we'll come back to Salatiga on the island of Java to complete our last two units of language school b

A Family Outing to An Ancient Temple Part 3

This is the last batch of pictures that I have of our family at Borobudur, I promise!  I know we've been a little sparse around here, so I don't doubt that these pictures are being appreciated by a few grandparents and aunts that I know. Thankfully, another tourist offered to take our family picture!  Okay, so what was the girls' reward for climbing all those steps and being patient while Daddy took a gazillion pictures?  An elephant ride!  Maddie was especially excited about this since she's been obsessed with elephants lately.  I think she was a little frightened when she saw the real thing up close and personal but she was brave anyway.  They all thought the ride was very fun! Well, Paige went berserk when her sisters rode away on the elephant without, Mommy took Paige on the next ride!  Oh my goodness.  The things a mom will do just to keep her baby happy.  It was a fun (and blessedly short) ride!

A Family Outing to An Ancient Temple Part 2

More pictures of the girls exploring the different levels of the temple... We had fun looking at the different carvings to see what kind of animals might have lived here back when they were building this temple 1200 years ago.  We saw elephants, deer, peacocks, horses, monkeys, and cows carved into the walls.  And real lizards, of course!

A Family Outing to An Ancient Temple Part 1

As Sean already mentioned , we went on a little family trip to Borobudur this past Monday.  It was a fun time and the girls did great.  They climbed all the way to the top of that temple and back down again.  Maybe because they knew the fun treat they were going to get on the other side? Well, that might be why!  Stay tuned for more pictures to see what we Cannon girls got to do! Our little stair-step Exploradoras! Some of that sisterly love I was talking about....