Moving and an update

I'm sorry that Sean and I are both so rare on our blogs these days.  It's crazy busy around here.  We move in 2.5 weeks! Eeek!  We're all very excited around here but there's so much to do....we decided to buy the majority of our furniture here on Java and ship it to Palangkaraya.  It's a lot cheaper for better quality things here, but the real reason we decided this would be best for our family is the simple fact that the moment we arrive in Palangkaraya, Sean is going to need to focus on his training...not on finding and ordering furnishings or helping me pick out the best appliances ;-)  So, we're doing the work on this end with the hope that our transition to life and ministry in Palangkaraya can be a little smoother.

First off, we've had help.  There's no way this could happen without some serious financial provision and God is really coming through for us (why am I always so surprised when He does what He says He'll do?!).  For those of you who have been a part in helping us do this - you know who you are.  Thank you.  Seriously.  THANK YOU.

God also came through in a big way by providing us with some local help.  We're so blessed to have met an incredible Indonesian guy (with a generous servants' heart).  Deni has been such a Godsend as we attempt this kind of a move in just a few weeks.  He's our carpenter and he and his assistants are basically building all our furniture from scratch, double-quick - but that's not all he's doing.  Deni has been helping us get the best price for what few furniture items he isn't making, helping us fix, stain, and paint that furniture, helping us get the best possible price for our shipping container, wrapping all the furniture he's making for shipment, storing most of that furniture at his own house since we don't have room for it, and helping us decide and figure out a million other details that we didn't even know we needed to work out.  We've had to buy it all - even our own wardrobes (closets don't exist here) and water heaters (Indonesians think we're weird for wanting hot showers)!  But somehow it's all coming together.

I had to laugh the other day when I discovered that somehow Sean and I had managed to order a king-sized mattress instead of a queen!  We've never had a king-sized mattress in our lives and we didn't really intend to get one now...but we got mixed up and (more than a little) confused at the store and wah-lah! we are now the proud owners of a king-sized bed!  I didn't realize our mistake until I measured the mattress after it was delivered - the one we had actually ordered was just one in a big pile of mattresses in the back of the store so we didn't realize just how huge it was.  Oops!  And the thing here is that once you pay for something and it is delivered to your house, it can't be even if we wanted to return it, we couldn't. Of course, we had to call Deni right away but he promised he could fix the bed frame he was making to accommodate our blunder.  And then I had to go get some King-sized sheets made since, well, we've never needed those before!  It got complicated rather quickly but I have to say...I'm kinda excited about our mistakenly ordered king bed!  This is just one example of stuff that is always coming up and sending us into another tizzy for a few hours while we try to fix things again.  Like I said, somehow, it's still all coming together.

God is so very, very good.  We feel very blessed.  We're excited for the future.  We're hopeful we'll even get through the next 2.5 weeks with our sanity intact.  But please do keep praying for us.  We may not have much time to post something on our blogs (that will come back eventually) but we do covet your prayers as we make this move and transition.  Lots of details.  Lots of possibility of disaster at every turn.  But God is faithful!  Thanks for praying!


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