
Showing posts from January, 2009


Oh my goodness. What a week. Here's what's going on.... Brooklyn and I have really been having some "go-arounds" lately. She's becoming so independent and grown up and she just knows what she wants - which usually isn't what I want. Nothing like a tough spell like this to make me completely question my parenting skills. Ugh. Pray for us. I can't seem to get everything done. I'm guessing that it will all be worth it when I get that bachelor degree this May. But I do tend to wonder if all this school stress on top of regular Mommy stress is worth it! I am learning some pretty cool things in my classes. And I actually really, really love school. Doing it at home with three younguns is a challenge.... But I love learning so much that I'm wondering if I wouldn't have fun going to graduate school here at our local state college someday. Am I crazy? (Don't answer that.) I really, really miss speaking Spanish every day. I can feel it slipping.

On "why you haven't heard from me in a while..."

Whooo, man! Life around here is hectic, chaotic, busy, and exhausting! In fact, I really shouldn't be blogging. I should be folding the laundry, starting a new load in the washer, planning dinner, doing homework, writing some notes I've been meaning to write for weeks, getting some groceries, organizing my get the idea. I feel pulled in a million different directions. I don't do well with that. I'm in a perpetual state of playing catch up. It can be very frustrating. The laundry basket is NEVER empty - whether I do 10 loads or 1 each day, it seriously never truly empties. The dishes reappear when my back is turned. And the toys. Oh, the toys. They multiply. Right before my eyes. They multiply, and there is nothing I can do to make them stop. I seriously want to throw every last one of them away. But then I would have bored, wailing children. Oh wait. I already have bored, wailing children with nothing to do . How does this happen? How does this happen

What we do around here....

Look what I found on my camera... I know. Not attractive. But it makes me laugh anyway and, hey, we're just keeping it real. This really is a common occurrence around here. So I share. Aren't you glad I did?! Sean and I both think we're so clever snapping shots of each other sleeping with our mouths open. Turns out we aren't either one that original. Not only are we not very original in our jokes on each other, we're also both really ugly sleepers. In our defense that recliner is very comfortable and there's something about holding a sleeping baby that really relaxes you.

One Month Old!

It's hard to believe that Paige is already a month old! This baby is growing faster than I remember the other two growing. She's getting chubby and is slowly becoming more aware of her surroundings. If we're lucky, she'll even grace us with a whisper of a smile. It's probably just gas...but still. She's just oh-so-sweet. We adore our baby around here. Brooklyn and Maddie are two doting big sisters and it's become a constant job for me just to get them to give Baby Paige some space :-) But then Mommy and Daddy can't resist that soft skin, downy hair, or those kissable cheeks either. Our nighttime routine is getting better. I do get sleep, though it isn't usually when I want to or for as long as I'd like. However, I treasure those quiet moments with my youngest in the middle of the night, knowing that before long she'll be one of those teenagers who does nothing but sleep! We love our Paige Abigail. She's such a part of our family - it

The insides of my eyelids are made of sand paper....

I. Am. Tired. All of a sudden, Paige isn't so fond of night-time sleep. During the day, it's her favorite pastime. But the instant I even think about going to bed? Suddenly she abhors sleep. I should probably try to keep her awake more during the day. But it is so convenient, so much easier for me to tackle the laundry or fix dinner or pick up around the house when she is sleeping blissfully in her crib. It's a catch 22. Whatever that means. I know you need more pictures, more regular updates. I just don't know when I'll do it. I really don't even have the time to be blogging right now. My nose tells me that Madison needs her diaper changed. My ears tell me there is a sibling war about to erupt. My eyes tell me that the house is being over-run by clutter and junk. I hear a newborn working up a good cry. Oh, and I'm not dressed yet. That should get done sometime today, maybe? This is my life, people. And I love it, I truly do. I do not take for gran