On "why you haven't heard from me in a while..."

Whooo, man! Life around here is hectic, chaotic, busy, and exhausting! In fact, I really shouldn't be blogging. I should be folding the laundry, starting a new load in the washer, planning dinner, doing homework, writing some notes I've been meaning to write for weeks, getting some groceries, organizing my kitchen...you get the idea.

I feel pulled in a million different directions.

I don't do well with that.

I'm in a perpetual state of playing catch up. It can be very frustrating. The laundry basket is NEVER empty - whether I do 10 loads or 1 each day, it seriously never truly empties. The dishes reappear when my back is turned.

And the toys. Oh, the toys. They multiply. Right before my eyes. They multiply, and there is nothing I can do to make them stop. I seriously want to throw every last one of them away. But then I would have bored, wailing children. Oh wait. I already have bored, wailing children with nothing to do.

How does this happen?

How does this happen with oodles and oodles of Barbies, Polly Pockets, stuffed animals, and kitchen toys? I step on them, I know they are there. How is it that my children are still bored?

The girls were quiet a couple of days ago. Being that this is rare unless they are sleeping or up to no good, I decided to check on them. What were they doing? Emptying every toy out of the toy box...and playing in the empty toy box. The floor was full of discarded, unused toys. Perfectly good toys. And they chose the box. They. Chose. The. Box....Over toys. Not only were they not playing with them but those toys were multiplying all over my living room.

I get so tired of picking up toys.

And the socks! The muddy boots! The mismatched gloves! The books! The tissues! The hair thingies! ACK!

Okay, I'm on a bit of a tangent here. I know I'm not alone in this. Every mother since Eve has probably dealt with this stuff...and felt guilty for the myraid of things that didn't get done in the day.

That phone conversation with my mom who is out of town right now? You should have been doing homework.

The time spent at the library getting fresh books? You should have been scrubbing the kitchen floor.

The time spent cuddling on the recliner with that precious 6-week old? You should have put her down and put the clothes away.

That nap you took? It took up precious time that you could have spent elsewhere! Nevermind that you only slept a few hours last night and fell asleep standing up!

Life is a never-ending cycle of things to do. Each day brings with it a to do list very similar to that of the previous day. This is normal. This is life. And, no, it doesn't all get done. And if it does all get done today, it will still have to be re-done tomorrow.

So there you have it.

But with God's grace and the Holy Spirit's help, I don't have to get fed up with the redundancy of real life.

"Being born of the Spirit means much more than we generally take it to mean. It gives us a new vision and keeps us absolutely fresh for everything by the perennial supply of the life of God." -- Oswald Chambers, My Utmost for His Highest

God doesn't stop providing the freshness I need to face each new day. He does it over and over and over again - kinda like I do laundry :-)


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