The insides of my eyelids are made of sand paper....

I. Am. Tired.

All of a sudden, Paige isn't so fond of night-time sleep. During the day, it's her favorite pastime. But the instant I even think about going to bed? Suddenly she abhors sleep.

I should probably try to keep her awake more during the day. But it is so convenient, so much easier for me to tackle the laundry or fix dinner or pick up around the house when she is sleeping blissfully in her crib. It's a catch 22. Whatever that means.

I know you need more pictures, more regular updates. I just don't know when I'll do it. I really don't even have the time to be blogging right now. My nose tells me that Madison needs her diaper changed. My ears tell me there is a sibling war about to erupt. My eyes tell me that the house is being over-run by clutter and junk. I hear a newborn working up a good cry. Oh, and I'm not dressed yet. That should get done sometime today, maybe?

This is my life, people. And I love it, I truly do. I do not take for granted the blessing of being at home with my three beautiful girls right now. Whew! But it is messy, stinky, stressful, and exhausting. Thus the huge amounts of chocolate, Hot Tamales candies, and Diet Coke I keep on hand :-) Nah, we'll make it through - with God's help, for sure.

Oh, and Happy New Year!

Better go!

(If you happened to read this post before I caught my mistake, you have some clue as to how tired I really am! I accidentally wrote the title of this post like this: "The insides of my eyebrows are made of sand paper...." Wow. I really do need sleep :-) At least I got a good chuckle.)


  1. Oh, honey. You ARE tired. The insides of your EYEBROWS are made of sandpaper? Did you mean eyelids?

    Hang in there. Love you so much!

  2. Yes, you of all people would catch that. Okay, maybe everybody noticed that. Oops! I fixed it. I saw it when I sat back down at the computer and hoped nobody had seen it yet. How embarrassing! Oh, well, at least we all had a good laugh at my expense. And I think I got my point across about being tired, huh?!


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