One Month Old!

It's hard to believe that Paige is already a month old! This baby is growing faster than I remember the other two growing. She's getting chubby and is slowly becoming more aware of her surroundings. If we're lucky, she'll even grace us with a whisper of a smile. It's probably just gas...but still. She's just oh-so-sweet.

We adore our baby around here. Brooklyn and Maddie are two doting big sisters and it's become a constant job for me just to get them to give Baby Paige some space :-) But then Mommy and Daddy can't resist that soft skin, downy hair, or those kissable cheeks either.

Our nighttime routine is getting better. I do get sleep, though it isn't usually when I want to or for as long as I'd like. However, I treasure those quiet moments with my youngest in the middle of the night, knowing that before long she'll be one of those teenagers who does nothing but sleep!

We love our Paige Abigail. She's such a part of our family - it's just impossible to imagine that a little over a month ago she wasn't here yet!


  1. This is my favorite post of all time! I love the pictures and the ones of you and Sean are priceless. We are 31 weeks and closing in on our little girl :) I can't wait to share pics of her too. Paige is beautiful and I wouldn't mind kisses one of those cheeks myself :)

  2. She's adorable!!! I didn't even know! Or, maybe I did. My brain isn't very cooperative. And I must say that I'm a little partial to Abigail. It's Cora and I's middle name too :o). We can't wait to see you guys, whenever that may be, hopefully soon! Love you all!

  3. They are all 3 just precious! We are so happy for you guys, and I must say we're a little partial to all the girls...we love them! Congratulations on a beautiful family. We are happy for you and pray things continue to go well during your transition.

    BTW, those pics. look just like Matt and me...must be some reason :-)

    April and family


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