A Long Break.

I don't think I've ever had this long of a hiatus from blogging.  This furlough has been all about doing and living and stealing moments of rest.  As a result, you've probably noticed that Sean and I have both been very quiet on our blogs.  We're coming up for air, finally, and we'll hopefully get you all caught up on the past few months as we reflect on it all ourselves.  Sean is catching up with TONS of really great pictures from our furlough time, so be sure to check into his blog regularly.  

This has been one heck of a furlough.  There has been lots of travel, training, memorable trips, unforgettable experiences, blessed times with supporters and supporting churches, and so much more.  We probably didn't get as much rest as we may have liked but that's hard to do when you have so many people you want to see and so much you want to do with them.  So, we've been living it up!  We've been "Carpe-ing the Diem" as Sean and I like to say.  Seizing the day.  It has meant for some very busy months and we haven't even scratched the surface of all the things we want to do and people we want to see.  Sigh.  

I have no idea where to even begin, so how about I start us off with a little photo album from my iphone?  This is just a tiny representation of the past several months, but maybe it will catch you up and end the awkward silence going on around here. ;-)

We went to the rodeo and horse sale with Grandpa.

We played with Cousin Audrey...a lot.

We had a few dolly tea parties.

Took in a few drive-in movies...

We went to the Great Sand Dunes several times, usually with family visiting from out of state...and it was pretty stinkin' fun.

We celebrated a Hawaiian Birthday Party...

And took swimming lessons

And climbed mountains and adopted a baby butterfly on the way down.

We had an at-home fireworks display

And went to a community Independence Day Breakfast

And watched the Fourth of July Parade

Of course, we didn't miss the fireworks show in Alamosa, CO.

We stayed the night in a lot of hotels before visiting supporting churches and we had lots of fun!

And we did, of course, find fun stops to play at as we traveled from church to church....

And took back roads as much as possible. 
Sean and I took a date to Santa Fe.  Love that New Mexico feel.  And that guy - who I happen to have been married to for 14 years now.

We couldn't possibly miss the Carnival when it came to town.

It was yet another opportunity to have fun as cousins.

We went to the mountains...as much as possible.

And we stayed in the funnest cabins in Estes Park with a boatload of family.

Then, there was this small matter of going to Oshkosh, WI for the biggest airshow in the world and to represent MAF.

And who can forget running the Color Run in Denver?
 Whew!  And I'm not even done.  But I feel better now that I'm caught up, don't you?


  1. I love the photos! I'm so glad you guys have had fun, but I'm sure you'll enjoy getting back "home" and resting in normal days, too!


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