About a week and a half ago, we should have been on a jet plane, headed back to our home, life, and ministry in Indonesia. Um. We didn't go. No visas. Visa purgatory. At the same time, this delay has been just what we needed. It has given us a few days to rest, to recover from all the craziness of our furlough travels. It has provided us with extra time to deal with a medical issue (more on that later). It has freed up a weekend for camping with my family and for being able to see my niece off to college. It provided us a chance to see our friends and mentors whose influence brought us to MAF as they prepare to head back out on a new assignment themselves. It has given us a little more time so we could go visit Sean's cousin, finally visit the Denver museum of Natural History, and see Sean's sister and our brother-in-law again. It gave us a weekend to drive out to eastern Kansas to see my Grandma Jean (a precious weekend with her, by the way) an...