
Showing posts from April, 2014

Easter 2014

Thanks for the sweet comments on my last blog post.  Yes, if there is one thing this overseas life has taught me (but there are waaaaaayyy more than one) it is that "home" is not here on this earth.  And I am so glad! I came across this article full of quotes for third culture kids ...but it applies to all of us living overseas so well. There are many good quotes that struck a chord with me, but this one from C.S. Lewis hits the nail on the head: Image by RachelPiehJones {link to} We had an awesome week last week and I'm still just trying to crawl out from under the laundry pile.  We took a family trip to Moab, Utah....but more on that later!  First, some pictures from our Easter!  We had a great Easter with my family and even got to go to our home church - an awesome treat.  The girls enjoyed having an Easter egg hunt with their cousin, Audrey.  We may or may not have enjoyed a tasty ham. Pork Products, America!  You shou

Oh, hello.

You know it's bad when you see people you haven't seen in four years and all they have to say to you is, "You haven't blogged in a very long time!" Okay, yes, I've been a little quiet on this space these past few months. To tell the truth, furlough has been a bit of a roller coaster for me, and I'm still trying to find my bearings here in the land of plenty.  America, you are way too much for me.  Truly, I still have panic attacks every time I walk into a store.  I want it ALL - because it is there to buy.  And then, I realize, I don't need that - it doesn't fit into a suitcase...or, I'd be sweating buckets if I wore that in Indonesia....or, maybe bowls made out of bacon aren't exactly the best use of my money.  Or are they? Building a snow man with cousin Audrey (February 2014) Can I tell you how much I am loving waking up in my parents' house every morning, hearing my kids teasing my Dad or my Mom reading a book to them in her little