Good, Old 'Merica

Whew!  I can't believe we've been in the States for just over 3 weeks already.  We've been so busy catching up with loved ones; adjusting to colder temperatures, higher altitudes, and time differences; soaking in the peace and quiet; shopping, shopping, and shopping; savoring the farm life; and eating Mexican food!

First of all.  I want to say, "Whoa, America, your stores are impressive!"  Oh. My. Word.  And your manners!  Your, um, clothing choices!  Your hairstyles!  Your really nice big wide roads! 

And your dairy sections, America!  Your Delightful Dairy Departments. 


So, as the reverse culture shock works it's magic on my senses, I'll just let you get a little glimpse of the things we have been doing and enjoying these past few weeks. (These are just a small sampling, we've been terrible at actually using the camera, even on our iPhones!)

Traveling...I think this was in Tokyo.  

We visited  Cabela's in Boise three times in our week in Nampa!  Maddie went berserk for all the moose.
I was very privileged to get to go along to take my niece, Catie, to the airport in Denver (a week after we arrived in Colorado) as she embarked on her own mission trip with YWAM in Australia.  So stinking proud of this girl!  I'm blessed that God arranged things so we at least got a few days together before she headed out on her trip. 

Grandpa got a shipment of chicks!  Oh, my they were so cute. Sadly, we lost about half of them (delicate little creatures) but the remaining chicks are growing stronger by the day!

 Fresh haircuts for everybody!  And by the way, "Great" Clips is a bit of an exaggeration.  Oh well.

Making a real disaster of Grandma's dining room while creating special, handmade Valentines.

Some of the best fun we've had has been making Valentine's Day treats.  We enjoyed the ability to buy the ingredients we needed, the fact that we didn't sweat at all during the whole process, and, also....

the thrill of leaving our delectable creations out in the open, uncovered without any ants, cockroaches, geckos, shrews, or rats, trying to carry them away! 


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