Paige turns 5!

We celebrated Paige's 5th Birthday on the 14th of December.  I truly cannot believe my baby is already five years old.  Where has the time gone?  Just like it was yesterday, I can remember that night five years ago that I spent wide awake watching it snow outside, wondering if I was ever going to go into labor.  Turns out, yes, I went into labor early that morning of the 14th and she was born around 11 a.m.  In between contractions I was watching "I Love Lucy" and giggling.  I like to think that is where Paige got her awesome sense of humor! She's a wild little thing who spends a lot of time hollering and trying to be heard over her big sisters. She is also my most affectionate little girl who still loves to be held and cuddled.  She's getting long and lanky - she's nearly as tall as Madison who is two years older.  She often gets mistaken for Madison's twin by Indonesians!  But even if she is getting big for her britches, she still has the cutest little sayings such as, "Gwuess what?" and "I wike him's hair." It's so fun to just quietly listen to her play - what an imagination!

Paige's sisters were so sweet, drawing her pictures and putting their money together to get Paige a stuffed panda to go with the other stuffed panda she loves.  They also bought her a little Eiffel Tower keychain because Paige always says that someday, she's gonna live in "Pawis." 

Aw, yes, she loves princess ANYTHING.  I remember Brooklyn on her 5th birthday in Mexico getting a bunch of princess Barbies as well...wonder if I can find that picture?  

Paigey has been waiting for her birthday for a looooonnnnggg time.  She absolutely loved being the center of attention.  She was able to have her friends, the Rogers boys, over along with our neighbor Ester to help her celebrate.  She had a Piggy Party with pigs-in-a-blanket and a chocolate cake with pink icing.  

Here is her 5th birthday interview (find her 3rd here and her 4th here):

What is your favorite activity? Play my dolls, play Barbies, play with my sisters

What is your favorite color? All the colors

What is your favorite toy? Dolls, Barbies, stuffed pandas from my birthdays, my little fluffy teddy bear

Who are your best friends? Brooklyn and Madison, Ester, the "boys," Uncle Isaac

What do you want to be when you grow up? An artist and a racer
Why?  Because they sound like fun!

What are your favorite books?  Dora book, some animal books
What are your favorite movies?  Frozen, Wreck it Ralph, Brave, Strawberry Shortcake, Dora

What are your favorite foods? Apples, bananas, kiwi, sabetti (spaghetti), pizza, pie, turkey

What do you like to do with Dad?  fly him's airplane, go to work with him, help him make pancakes, wrestle with him

What do you like to do with Mom?  Cook with her, wrestle with her, go to the store with her, take naps with her, spend time with her, and play games with her


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