Madison's 7th Birthday (in October)

First of all, you may have noticed some odd goings-on here with my blog and also with Sean's.  Somehow, we got a virus-y type bug on our computer that was making blogging nearly impossible (plus, we were just insanely busy so it has taken us awhile to even be able to sit down in front of the computer).  Anyway, Sean figured out the issue and now we're back in business!  Woo-hoo!  We are still busy - and will be - for the next month as we prepare to go on furlough in late January, but we're both trying to catch up with our blogging.  Be sure to check back in here and also regularly visit Sean's blog for even more pictures!

More than two months ago, on October 7, we celebrated our Madison's 7th birthday.  We reserved a room at the local "fancy" hotel with direct access to probably the cleanest, nicest pool in the area.  It was a special treat for all of us!

For as long as I can remember, Maddie has been a huge fan of pie crust.  She'll steal it from around the edges of the pie cooling on the table, she'll eat the crust off her own slice of pie and leave the filling, and if that isn't enough, she'll steal your crust right from under your nose.  So, for her birthday I made her her very own apple pie!  We invited our friends over to swim and have pie with us and had a great time celebrating our little "Ecuadorian."
The happy 7-year-old

These three are the best of friends - I love that!

 Opening presents on the big day at the hotel

More art stuff!
Maddie has grown into quite the little lady (in my totally un-biased opinion).  She still loves animals and is always the first to catch a frog or insect that she finds interesting outside.  Her interest in dinosaurs continues, though lately her fascination with her American Girl dolls has grown even more. She's a bit of a tomboy but can also be the girliest of girls.  Just when we think we have her figured out, she'll throw us for another loop!  Madison is full of energy and can run circles around all of us.  She loves art, has done great learning to play the recorder, and is an amazing reader for her age.  She's also crazy-smart - she can remember any fact for life after hearing it just once.  She has a strong sense of justice and a budding faith in God that is a joy to see.  Sean and I feel incredibly blessed to be her parents.  Here is her 7th birthday interview (find her 5th here and 6th here):

What is your favorite activity?  Play dolls, do art, play music

What is your favorite color? Purple!

What is your favorite toy? My dolls

Who are your best friends?  My sisters, Cayden, Tyus, Ester

What do you want to be when you grow up?  a scientist
Why?  I don't know.

What are your favorite books?  my American girl books

What are your favorite movies?  Dumbo, American Girl movie, Frozen, Aladdin, The Little Mermaid

What are your favorite foods?  Donuts, sausage, chicken nuggets, brownies, pizza, and pie ...

What do you like to do with Dad?  Wrestle and play

What do you like to do with Mom?  Cook 

What do you like about where we live right now?  It has nice weather...and just because.


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