On the River - the Paige Edition

A while back, we spent a fun evening on the river with our teammates.  While my friend and I sat back in the air-conditioned MAF office at the dock, the guys took the kids out for some tubing.  Paige was not about to be left behind, even if she is the little four-year-old and Mommy's little Wuvvy-Duvvy-Baby-Poo.  Here are some shots her Daddy got of her playing on the river.

 A nice calm start on the inner tube, looking relaxed and happy.

 Whoa!  Hitting a bump!


Two things:
1.  It was a good thing I was not there because sending my baby out on an inner tube behind a speeding boat seems like exactly the opposite of good mothering.
2. When I see these pictures, my heart jumps into my throat and I can't breath.  She's four.  She's my baby.  She's having way too much fun for her health and safety.

This post brought to you by Nervous Nellie.

P.S. Lifejackets.  I just keep telling myself "lifejackets."  


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