A New Computer and Some Random Photos

Well, hello June!  Can you believe it?  This year is nearly half over already.  Wow.

We've had a really nice weekend...well, sort of.  The girls and I have had colds and to add to my misery, I got some food poisoning on Friday night.  Ugh.  I am ruined for Indonesian food for a while - and I will NEVER AGAIN be eating at the particular restaurant that I know made me sick.  I suppose it was our fault for trying someplace new!  Anyway, I was pretty worthless on Saturday but I'm okay now.  

The highlight of our weekend was that we were able to take the girls to a movie on Sunday afternoon - something we rarely get to enjoy as a family since good kid-friendly shows seldom make their way here. What a treat to eat nachos and hot dogs while we watched "Epic."  Cute show.

Also, today Sean and I got a wild-haired idea to move our living room to a different room where we could be in air-conditioning and also less spread out as we go about our days. I love our new setup. Actually, I've really been moving things around a lot lately.  I think it is because I am used to packing up my house and moving after a couple of years in a house.  This is the first house in almost 13 years of marriage that Sean and I will live in for more than 2 years!  Such a major milestone!  I'm so grateful we aren't moving, but obviously I have issues with staying settled for more than a year or two at a time.  I tell ya, moving furniture is far easier than moving countires. ;-)

We've had quite a time replacing my laptop/our home computer but we finally got a new desktop computer and I love it!  I'm totally having a struggle typing on a normal keyboard again but it is so nice to have a fast, functional computer to work on and to use for home school.  

An added bonus is that I now have easy access to Sean's pictures again.  He's the photographer of the family and I've done a terrible job lately of sharing pictures for family back home that likes to see this stuff.  So, here are a few random pics I found from the past month or two.

I finally got to go along with Sean on a flight!  It was so amazing to see my husband "doing his thing" out there in the skies and on the rivers of Central Borneo.  I love seeing him in his element.  And it was super-cool to ride along with him in a floatplane for the first time, too!  
I snapped this shot of the village where Sean and I went to pick up a patient.  I know this isn't really anything different than what Sean blogs about all the time but this was the first time I saw it with my own eyes.  I was flabbergasted - this is a far different world from the one I see on a daily basis.  Could you imagine living in one of these floating houses?!  
I just love this picture of Paigey.  She is growing up so fast and getting so beautiful, just like her big sisters.  I'm not anxious for her to get any older - four is the perfect age.  
We went on the monkey boat a while back - actually an Eco tour on a nice boat to see orangutans.  At the dock where we got on the bigger boat, Sean found this neat canoe and asked for permission to take it for a spin real quick.  Brooklyn got to go along, and I love the picture of father and daughter out there on the water.  
Madison on the monkey boat.  She was in her element out there, being a little "scientist," searching for wildlife, and exploring nature. Love this girl.


  1. I love the photos! I especially like the one with the colorful laundry and the one of Sean and Brooklyn canoeing. I imagine there are many frustrations, but the pictures make it look like a beautiful place, full of adventure. I would love to see more pictures of your house/yard :)

  2. I love these pictures!! I did a double take on the one with you and Sean, it looks so much like Aaron! The floating houses, totally blown away. Maddie and Ilon sound like they would have a blast together, Ilon and her animal rescue club she puts together with Gabe every day:) Love the updates, glad you guys are doing well!!


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