The Week in Review

  • We've had a guest all week - since last Wednesday, actually.  Heather lived here for more than 12 years and now she and her husband continue to serve "remotely" with occasional visits to Indonesia.  (Isn't technology amazing?) She's been so fun to have around and I've really enjoyed our morning conversations over coffee. She'll be here till Tuesday and has been teaching a workshop all week. 
  • Our whole household (including our very busy guest) is very tired on this Friday - looking forward to a movie night and sleeping in tomorrow!  Woo-hoo!
  • English Club went well this week.  I always have fun when we have a fun craft to do with the kids.  They love it! 
  • Our newest teammates will be here in just over a week! We're super-excited to get them here.  I can't believe we'll actually have a full 3-family team.  For so many different reasons, it has been years since that could be a reality in Palangkaraya.  God is so amazing and I love how He's brought these three families here.  Please pray for the Hoffmanns and their transition to life in Palangkaraya and for our whole team as well.  These are exciting times!
  • The girls and I are still working hard at homeschooling everyday - just in case you wondered.  ;-)  I love that I get to teach my girls and it is so fun to see them actually learning the things I teach them.  We really have a lot of fun.  I have already turned in my homeschool order for next year (it takes a while to get things to us, so we start early).  Next year, all three girls will be in school! Eeeek! 
  • Our stupid cat is in heat again.  I am having murderous thoughts.  Oh, hormones.  She WILL be getting fixed sometime soon. 


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