February was a very full month

It's already the last day of February on this side of the world and I'm still scratching my head wondering where January went.  Good grief.  It would be an understatement to say we've been busy.  Lots of guests, lots of happenings, lots of good stuff....that's what's been going on!  March looks like it will be just as full - but with some fun travel and rest, which we are especially looking forward to! Can you say Starbucks?

I'll share a couple of pictures from our February.  I lost the charger to my camera a while ago (not that I used it that much) so these are pretty low-quality Ipad photos.  I should steal Sean's camera once in a while, shouldn't I?

We had a LOT of rain in February but one morning in particular we had a major downpour that flooded our yard before it could drain.  The girls just love it when that happens....

Our Valentine's Day wound up being crazy-busy but the following morning we finally got around to making and decorating heart-shaped cupcakes.  Yum! 
Other things we did this month:
  • hosted a friend/missionary from another org while she taught a seminar
  • hosted a visiting pastor here doing a short term ministry trip with one of our MAF teammates from Tarakan
  • prepared our new teammates home for their arrival
  • welcomed our new teammates to Palangkaraya! 
  • had our MAF-US staff over for a hot dog barbeque
  • hosted a party with all our MAF-US and Indonesian staff to welcome our new teammates - we had great fun playing volleyball in our yard!  (Obviously, it was no longer flooded.)
  • gone to countless dinners, get-togethers, and parties
  • hosted our program manager for a couple of nights while he came for some important meetings
  • hosted our Chief Pilot from Tarakan here to do flight checks on the pilots here
  • I tutored a new college student in English (eek! don't know what I'm doing)
All that (and probably more that I've forgotten) while still homeschooling, keeping the family fed, teaching English Club, a very busy flight schedule for Sean, and just plain old life.  And our teammates were just as busy as we were.  Phew!  It was a good month, really, with lots of encouragement and some really neat things happening in Central Borneo.  God has kept us all safe and healthy.  Sean and I are both exhausted by the end of each day but incredibly blessed and honored to be here. 
Bring on March 2013!


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