Poof! Its 2013!

Well, just like that, 2012 is over and 2013 has begun.  I can't believe it!

I'm finally feeling human again.  No, I wasn't the one that was sick, but life in our house was pretty much on hold for all of us for a good two weeks or more.  Today, though, Sean is all better!  He is back to work and seems to have more energy than I expected him to.  This illness really knocked him on his back.  Can't tell you how great it is to have him back to himself again.  I'd really be okay with never having to take him to the ER again - I did it twice in about a one-month span! (Once for stitches on his foot and then again to try to figure out what he was sick with.)  Thank you again for your prayers! 

We had to miss our planned vacation to another Indonesian city and we did not join in with the usual visiting that happens on Christmas Day here due to Sean's illness. Our Christmas this year was not at all like we'd planned it to be, but we rested. A lot. And that was very good for all of us. The girls had a marvelous Christmas and enjoyed every minute of it! They were so fun to watch enjoying all the simple little things like cookies for Santa and Christmas morning cinnamon rolls and, of course, opening presents. We so missed being with family, but we were able to Skype/Face Time with both sides of the family and that really did help us not feel so far away. Well, and it also made us feel so far away. Sigh.

 My househelper had the past 10 days off (she deserved it) and I discovered all over again how very, very much I need her help!  I struggled (and failed) just to keep up with the mountains of laundry (we don't have a dryer) and piles of dirty dishes (we don't have a dishwasher), not to mention what felt like miles of dirty tile floors and the dust and cobwebs and mold gathering in corners.  Our helper is back to work today, and everything is so clean and shiny again!  I have no idea how Mama Eki does it, but she manages in half a day what I can't seem to manage in a week.  I love her and I am so glad she is back!

I decided the girls and I will wait until Monday to start school since I hate being a few days off on our schedule but I'm busy doing other little tasks that have been neglected for the past few weeks. It is so nice to get back into a routine! 

Just a cute little side note:  Maddie, our brave little critter-lover, caught a baby praying mantis this morning.  She is playing with him, letting him crawl all over her and made him a nice little home in a plastic container.  She named him Marmaduke Climby Cannon.


  1. Merry Christmas and Happy New Years! Thankful you all are well and rested, love the pictures of Paige, Happy Birthday Sweetie!!


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