English Club Pictures

After a few weeks off for the holidays, we are back into the swing of things with English Club.  For our first day back, we painted ornaments of the nativity that had been sent by Centropolis Christian Church in Kansas - my Grandma's church!  Here in Indonesia, it is not unusual to celebrate Christmas through the end of January, so our late Christmas party was no problem for the kids!  The kids had a blast painting and took home their creations plus candy canes as a treat.  While there is a ton of candy available here, candy canes are a totally foreign concept, so that was fun to introduce to the kids!
Sorry about the not-so-clear cell phone pictures....these girls really made some beautiful ornaments.  I am always amazed at how careful most Indonesian kids are when doing arts and crafts.  Even the littlest girl who is around 3 years old did a great job.  The boys, however, were a lot messier!

This isn't quite the whole group as several of the kids were too camera shy.  (That little blondie in the background is our teammates' son!  My girls were among the camera shy ones, for some reason.)

A HUGE thanks to Centropolis Christian Church for the fun packages full of things for the English Club kids and our family!


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