Rough week

Welp, we're on day five of Sean feeling miserable. If you are a Facebook friend, you've probably seen the status updates.  Sean has come down with something - we're not sure if it is dengue or typhoid.  I've never seen him so sick and it has made for a real bummer of a week. 

As hard as this week has been, I'm not complaining.  Things could be so much worse - we all know that, right?  Others are suffering so much more.  Both in the U.S. and overseas, there is great suffering, illness, sorrow, and strife.  I refuse to let this get me down.  These are the things that come with living in a fallen world.  This is why we need the Christ in Christmas so very, very much!  I am putting on a brave face, doggedly remembering that Christ really is with us, that we have so much to be thankful for, that even when the days are dark, the Light has come and He has already won

A little update on Sean this morning...he's still very sick but his fever has gone down!  We're treating for typhoid and I'm wondering if the antibiotics aren't already working.  If his fever stays down, we can assume this probably is typhoid.  If it is dengue, his fever will spike again and we'll have to just wait it out while it runs it course. Either way, we are in this for the long haul as both dengue and typhoid take lots of time to recover from.  The good news is that he will recover!  (I know words like dengue and typhoid sound super-scary, but, while still no fun, they aren't the deadly diseases they were before modern medicine.)

Last week, when I was feeling very brave and content and noble, I wrote this post for the MAF blog. I meant every word of it, and yet, this week, when the post was published, I cringed. I cringed because what was so true to me last week has become something I must fight to believe this week.  But again, this faith walk has it's hills and valleys.  It would be dishonest to claim we aren't feeling a little down this week but I also have to say that we've felt God's hand in all this.  He's here with us in this valley and we have hope!

Thanks so much for your prayers.  They are felt and they have made a difference!

Oh, and here is the post on the MAF blog about Sean's ministry trip interior. 


  1. Continued prayers for you all. We just received a homeschool magazine with a lovely 3 page article from you. Let me know if you want me to mail it to you or you family so you can have another copy for the girls when they get older. It was a great article!

  2. Oh, wow, Celeste, cool! I haven't seen the article yet but someone is sending us a copy of the magazine. I'm really excited to see how it turned out. I didn't write the article - someone at MAF did. I just answered some interview questions for her. It was fun! Thanks again for your prayers. Merry Christmas!


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