Quick Update

I'm headed to bed on 12/21/2012 and guess what?  The world hasn't ended...not in Asia anyway!

Today was a better day.  Sean is getting better ever. so. sssssslllllllooooowwwwwlllllyyyyyy.  He ate real food today and I'm so pleased to say he even kept it all down!  He also looked miserable much of the day and said he felt extremely weak.  But, we're making progress.  His fever hasn't gone above 100 degrees that I'm aware of, so I'm about 90% certain this is typhoid and those antibiotics are starting to do their job. Could take a good week or two more before he's anywhere close to normal again, but we are moving in the right direction now. 

I've been blessed by so many of you lovely people caring and praying.  I just don't think you can know what that means to us... we feel very loved and blessed.  I've no doubt in my mind that this is all made less horrible by all the prayers going up on Sean's behalf over these past several days.  Thank you!  Don't stop praying! 



  1. Just saw your update... we are praying! Stand firm in Him!


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