Paigey's 4th Birthday Interview

It's hard indeed to believe that our little Paige Abby is already four.  It seems like just yesterday that I was laughing at "I Love Lucy" in between contractions one wintry Sunday morning in December.  Now, here she is almost as tall as her big sister Madison, and every bit as funny and precocious as Lucille Ball herself. 

Paige was the quietest and easiest baby we had.  Now, she's probably the rowdiest and most difficult four-year-old we've had (and trust me, her sisters were plenty active as well).  She keeps me on my toes!  Some days, she'll disappear and I'll find out she went next door to our helper's house to steal back some shoes we gave them.  Other days, she's right in the thick of things, driving her sisters nuts as they try to finish their schoolwork.  She can give the biggest, wettest kisses and can throw a  wicked mean left hook.  She's wild and sweet and imaginative and quick-tempered and adorable and super-independent and her hair is always in her eyes.  I love every little bit of you, Paige Abigail Cannon, and I wouldn't change a thing!

Paige recently passed a huge milestone and gave up her purple blankie!  If you know her, you know what a big deal this is.  She and Madison both decided on her birthday that it was time to go blankie-less and they've both been doing great.  Breaks my heart, even if I know it was time....sigh.  Anyway, here's Paige's birthday interview:

What is your favorite activity?

What is your favorite color?
yellow and red...I mean, all the colors!

What is your favorite toy?
Pandress (new stuffed Panda), and my Bitty Baby

Who are your best friends?
Brooklyn and Madison

What do you want to be when you grow up? A racer
Why?  Because I will get all the trophies that I want...

What are your favorite books?  Bitty Baby's book

What are your favorite movies? "Brave"

What are your favorite foods?  cereal and soup

What are your favorite drinks?  tea and chocolate milk

What do you like to do with Dad?  Fly in him's Birthday Airplane!  (she means this one)
What do you like to do with Mom?  Color!


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