
After a spell of being pretty much the only Americans in Central Kalimantan, it has been a real treat having teammates again.  MAF'ers!  Americans!  People with kids our kids' ages! 

Teammates.  We've had so many.  Loved so many.  Said good-bye to so many.  But I tell ya, we are grateful for them all.  Because being out here "all alone?"  It's hard.  There's just something about having somebody else around from your own culture that makes you feel more energized, more able to deal with the difficulties and ups and downs of this missionary life. 

I know that having teammates and friends on the field - let alone those that really "get" you is sadly rare. We've somehow managed to have the best teammates everywhere we've served.  Maybe God knows how much we need them?  We are blessed again with new teammates who make the load we carry feel not quite so heavy.  (Their container full of household things is set to be here in the next couple of days.  Then, they will finally begin settling into their new home.  Please pray for them?  It is such a crazy, busy, exhausting thing, this moving about in foreign countries.)

Anyway, on even the minor American holidays, it sure is fun to have other Americans to get together with...to take away some of that "I-wish-I-were-back-home-in-Colorado-this-fall" feelings.  The girls had a really fun Halloween.  There were cookies.  There was orange milk.  There was candy.  But best of all, there were friends to share it with.  People to show their costumes off to.  Those things count for more than I ever imagined before I knew this sometimes lonely, sometimes homesick, ever-stretching, always amazing, humbling adventure called Missionaryhood.

I suppose the grandparents would appreciate some pictures? 

A SuperGirl, Rapunzel, and Old Lady..."but not too old because my hair isn't white."  I wish you could have seen the people nearly crash their motorbikes when they saw Madison walking from our car to our teammates' house!  (October 31 is a day like any other to Indonesians!)

At the party at our friend's house.  Yum!


  1. Oh my gosh...Maddie!! I thought she was Napoleon Dynamite. That's blackmail photography right there! Seriously, all three are precious. Love each one of those sweet girls.


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