Update...in the news!

  • Sean was in the newspaper in Idaho...okay, so his picture was, but it's still pretty cool.  Go here to read the recent article about MAF.
  • Want to learn more about the Missionary Badge of Honor?  Read my latest MAF blog post here!
  • We have finished up our fourth week of homeschool already!  Wow, time flies when you are having fun.  Truly, we are having fun and I am seeing these girls all grow and learn...kind of exciting when you start out wondering if you are doing things right.
  • We are truly enjoying having the Rogers family here from Tarakan.  The kids have been having playdates like crazy and we are all really enjoying some fellowship with our MAF friends after about a month all on our own here.  Having teammates is a GOOD THING.
  • English Club today!  I had to cancel last week because I was feeling really sick to my stomach.  Looking forward to getting back into the swing of things.  
  • We are busy.  We are tired.  Between my homeschooling, housekeeping, English Club, and regular meal preparing and Sean's flight instructing, projects at home, and managing the base here in Palangka Raya we've all been running a little ragged.  I finally made the profound decision to go to bed early (we're talking like 8:30 p.m.) and it has made a world of difference.  There was one night this week when I was so exhausted I just couldn't seem to get the umph to finish cooking dinner, though I had actually started it.  The good thing is that Sean and I have our super-tired nights on alternating days so at least one of us can feed the children and get them to bed...baths are a different story. ;-)
  • Are you enjoying fall weather yet?  Every change in season back home makes us feel just a touch more homesick because, well, nothing is changing here!  Fall is my absolute favorite time of year back home.  I am desperate to arrange our furlough so that I can enjoy at least one fall every 4 years!
  • Our life is full right now and, yeah, we get homesick (when we have time to think) but the word that comes to my mind when I think about where I am is this: CONTENT.  We love where we are, what we are doing, and who we are with.  This is a true blessing from God and one I am savoring for those times when the feeling of contentment is not so easy to find.


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