Trying to get organized...

So, I've been trying really hard to get my pictures organized. I have pictures on my phone, pictures on my IPad, pictures on my laptop, and pictures on my point-and-shoot camera. ARGH! It is so frustrating trying get everything organized and all in one place. Sean takes care of his own pictures (and you can be sure his are all perfectly in order) so most of these pictures I'm working so hard to save aren't even very good...they were taken by me or by the girls and usually have terrible lighting and are horribly out of focus. Still, I want to keep them. They are memories and they can't just be tossed. But getting them sorted is a bigger job than I counted on - and I'm only working on pictures from this year.

I want to tell you all what is going on these days and I love when I have a picture to post with a that's why I've been pretty silent on here - I'm completely overwhelmed by my picture situation and I don't have the patience to get things figured out well enough to upload pictures and blog about them. I know I could blog without pictures, I do it a lot more than I like. But these pictures are actually as important to me as they are to the family that reads this blog - they're for posterity, for that book I'm going to make one day of our blogs (because I am so NOT a scrapbooker). A blog book of nothing but words would be pretty dull.

But I CANNOT get the pictures off of my IPhone for several different reasons and I'm ready to scream!


I am working on it.

I'm glad you are so patient.

Maybe sometime this century I'll have a good blog and some pictures to post.

Don't hold your breath, though.


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