Mammals, Reptiles, Insects, Oh my!

  • There was a shrew in our house the other day. A shrew. I've heard plenty about the little creatures and seen them outside plenty but this was the first one to make it's way into our house. It was ugly and it shrieked like crazy when we tried to get it out of the house. I shrieked a little lot myself when I glanced down and saw it coming toward my foot! Sean was disgusted with all four of us girls for screaming like, well, girls. But some things can't be helped.
  • When that shew was scurrying around our house and yard? The cat just stared. The dog, on the other hand, caught the little fella in no time. Well, then.
  • We have a new pet rabbit, this time a full-grown adult that hopefully we will be able to keep alive. She's cute and Maddie is quite serious about taking good care of her.
  • Did I mention that a couple weeks ago Sean brought a (big) snake home from the dock? And that he put it in a cage and wanted to keep it as a pet? And that the snake escaped within two days and now who knows where it is lurking? No? I failed to mention that? Perhaps that is because I am trying to block the whole thing out of my mind... but I still remember every time I go outside. Shiver. No - Double shiver.
  • I think the cat is FINALLY done being in heat...for now. Yes, I am researching giving our cat birth control shots (thank you, Becky!) but oddly enough, there isn't a whole lot of information about that "cure" online. Anybody know how much Depo Provera to give a young feline? Anybody?
  • Our house is over-run with mosquitos. I bought an electrified racket that zaps them. It's really fun!
  • Just so you know, we saw an orangutan the other day. You know, in the jungle. By the river. In the heart of Borneo. Just another day in Indonesia.


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