List Time

  • The past week or so has been pretty hectic and emotional. Our teammates, the Pratts, are moving back to the States so this past week we have been busy helping them get ready to go and saying our good-byes. The Pratts are now en route to the U.S. We were sad to see them go and they will be missed by so many people here but we understand that God is leading them down a new path and we totally support them in that decision. Good-byes are a part of our missionary life - and that is honestly the only part of our life that I really, really, really hate!!
  • We were pleased to host some friends from Tarakan (another MAF base) who came for the Pratts' good-bye party. It's always fun to see our friends and we were sad to see them go so soon after they got here! That's the problem with MAF - too many wonderful people and great friends and so little time to really hang out with them....
  • Sean has now taken over the Base Manager responsibilities and will also be the only pilot for the next month or so until someone can come help fill in. We appreciate your prayers with all the transition and decisions as well as for wisdom and safety in handling all the flight requests with only one pilot.
  • 71 kids at English Club last week! Woo-hoo! They all fit in my front room too. (don't ask me how) With this amount of kids coming, I'm going to have to re-think how we do things but I've got some good ideas and look forward to trying them out this week. My teaching partner is no longer here but I do still have the help of a great Indonesian gal and between the two of us, I think we can handle it. Praise God that these kids are so well-behaved! Actually, Praise God for the whole thing - it's all His.
  • Waiting on homeschool materials so we can get started! We're going to be very busy with a 3rd grader, Kinder/First grader and Preschooler. I'm really looking forward to it, though. It's nice to have a little structure to our day and my girls love learning! And I really love teaching them. Just to keep the enthusiasm, though, I'm going to build lots of breaks into our school schedule!
  • I'm reading "My Father's House" by Corrie ten Boom. I've always loved her stories and been inspired by her faith but I never realized how much Indonesia played into her stories of the earlier years of her life before the war. She helped many missionary families that were serving here in Indonesia - not a surprise since The Netherlands is very much a part of Indonesian history, but somehow it makes me like her even more because of that little connection! If you haven't read any of her books, I highly recommend them!


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