Hormones are such a pain

Our cat, Princess, is in heat.

And boy is she ever.

She can't seem to control herself - she's your typical hormonal adolescent. This is her first time experiencing all these new feelings and you can tell she isn't real sure what is happening with her so she's just going with it. Apparently, her mother was too embarrassed to go over the birds and the bees with her before they parted ways.

She meows pathetically all day long. We can't stand her! I get really mad at the girls if they wake her up from a nap because she starts all over again. Twice she has managed to push her way out of a window in our kitchen that has a loose screen. We are so careful to keep her inside because we've had cats disappear twice from our yard - we have a lot invested in her and, besides, she's one of the only cats in Indonesia that has a full tail!

We're very lucky to have found her both times she got out. What we don't know is how long she was out at night...we don't know if she found a friend out there. Probably not - unless she left the yard, in which case she most certainly did find herself a male counterpart. Guess we'll find out in another few weeks.

Because of this cat's ridiculous hormones, my back is tweaked. Yeah, I blame her. The first morning we realized she had escaped the safe confines of the house, Sean hurried outside and found her walking along our back concrete wall on the verge of running off. Princess is not a big fan of Sean's (something to do with the shoes he throws at her to make her stop yowling, I'll bet) and he knew if he tried to go after her she'd jump. So he called me.

I rushed out the door and guess who came bounding out at me? The dog! Another member of the family that the cat is not a fan of. Duchess was just happy to see me but I was afraid the dog's nearness would send Princess over the edge - literally - so I bent over real quick to grab the dog collar. Duchess does this thing where she falls to the ground in rapture just in case we have a mind to send her away and so, I was grabbing at her, trying to heft her back on her feet to get her to go when I felt that awful pinch in my lower back that took my breath away.

I managed to straighten up enough to get to the cat down off the wall but as the morning wore on, my back hurt worse and worse. I spent the whole day laying as flat as I could. This morning my back does feel a lot better. Praise the Lord, because we have English Club today and I need to at least be able to stand up for a while.


1. Cats in heat are extremely annoying.

2. Cats in heat are little Houdini's.

3. Cats in heat will put themselves in all manner of dangerous situations just to...you know.

4. Cats in heat (and exuberant dogs) can cause serious damage to humans - both physically and mentally....I swear if I hear one more yooooowwwwwlllllll!

5. There are no vets in Palangka Raya who can spay (neuter?) a female cat - without accidentally killing it, anyway. (Which might be an option we will be willing to explore if this doesn't stop soon.)


  1. We gave our female dog birth control shots so that she wouldn't go into heat. Worked great! We just got the human birth control shots from the apotik. The three-month kind. We gave her a small dose (1/3 of the human dosage for our dog...much smaller I would think for a cat) everything three months into the meaty part of her thigh. She didn't even mind it! Mostly because she got a special treat out of the whole deal. Might be worth looking into for your kitty!

  2. Geesh. While I'm sorry you hurt your back, it's a good thing Sean called you to get the cat. Maybe he learned something from the "incident" with the Ecuadorian dog? hee hee.


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