Update Time!

  • Brooklyn is officially a 3rd grader! She worked really hard this week to finish her work and I am SO proud of her. She's pretty excited and we're already enjoying our break. First year of homeschool done - check!
  • Madison is also done! I started her in Kindergarten a little late in the year because I had to wait for some materials. So, we only got about halfway through Kindergarten. I do have First Grade materials also on the way for next year. Maddie is gonna be a KinderFirst Grader!
  • I counted 54 kids at English Club today. I could have double counted a few or even missed a few, its kind of hard to keep count with a bunch of kids milling about in a smallish room! Seriously, though, we can't add any more to this class. We're really having fun - today I taught them to do the twist and make paper airplanes. They loved it! The fun thing about teaching English is that the students can learn from anything. Okay, okay, we are studying action verbs and transportation so there is a method to my madness....at least that's what I tell myself.
  • Poor Brooklyn. She had her tooth pulled on Tuesday and on the way home she chewed on her numb lip not even realizing the damage she was doing! The next day her bottom lip had swollen to the size of a small island. Yeah, it was bad. She's been so miserable and embarrassed because, well, people can't help but stare at a lip that ginormous. She was so embarrassed that she didn't even want to join in English Club this week and if you know how social Brooklyn is you realize how bad she must be feeling about herself to skip out on a chance to play with 50 other kids. It really breaks my heart. I want so much to take away that feeling and never let her experience it again. Tough lesson. The good news is that The Lip is slowly getting smaller and healing just fine. I'm optimistic that it will look mostly normal by the time we start traveling on Sunday.
  • Sunday morning we are leaving for another Indonesian city called Balikpapan for our MAF Kalimantan team Family Conference! We are E-X-C-I-T-E-D. We get the whole week off and we get to hang out with friends and be ministered to in our heart language. If you don't hear much from me it won't be anything new it's because I'm too busy hanging out by the pool or shopping for cheese to bring home with me. Big grin.


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