A List

  • We're all doing well. Busy, busy, busy. (but not with homeschooling, which is SO nice)
  • This week we're extra busy with company. Two different families are in town - a family with Wycliffe that visits 3 times a year and our newest MAF family visiting during their break from language school! Any increase in our Western family count is cause for great joy and celebration! ;-)
  • Our Indonesian staff is on a retreat with other Indonesian staff from the other side of Kalimantan. Please pray for them to have a great and blessed time. We highly value these men and their families and we know they need encouragement in this ministry just like we do!
  • Please keep praying for the English Club. It just keeps growing. There were 59 last week but half of them were new and several regulars were missing, which means we're shooting upwards of 60 if everyone comes! I am unable to do as much craft-type projects with them because it is just too much - too expensive to get all the materials (even if it is just paper) and too time-consuming for everyone to be able to get their craft done. Something is going to have to change because the craft is the best part (I think) but I'm waiting to see if things taper off. Should we divide into a couple of different classes on different days? I don't know the answer but this is a great problem to have and God is totally supplying in me the energy and vision to do something that I don't naturally have the wherewithal to do!
  • There is so much going on here right now - some personal, some less so - can I just ask for your prayers? This isn't the place to talk about all these different prayer requests but I feel the need for some prayer warriors behind us. If you want specifics to pray for, shoot me an email! (By the way we are doing really great - but sometimes there are lots of things that come up at once that keep you on your knees, ya know?)
  • There is a tinge of smoke in the air, signaling the beginning of dry/smokey season but I'm not complaining when I read the news of forest fires raging in Colorado right now. So many people are losing their homes. In Colorado Springs, The Flying W Ranch has burned to the ground. I have this really special, treasured memory of that place. One year, we took my grandparents and lots of family there and I remember watching my Grandpa Ted enjoy their stage show so much. One song in particular really touched him and anytime I hear it, I just think of him sitting there with tears in his eyes...and I miss him.
  • Here's a little quote from Paige when she hears an ambulance siren when we are out driving - "Ugh! I hate that nouse!" Such a cute combination of "sound" and "noise." Oh, and she's also been tackling every boy she sees to kiss him as many times as she can before he squirms out of her grip. I feel like I have to warn every mother of young boys that I see that her child may be tackled by an overzealous three year old girl looking for the love of her life!


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