You know you're a missionary when...

I finally got flour and it totally made my day.

It was even the good kind and I didn't have to go downtown to find it.  I bought 6 kilos and I probably would have bought more if the lady next to me in the aisle hadn't been eyeing me funny.

I'm way too excited about this.

I FOUND FLOUR!  We can have our pizza night!  We can make pancakes for breakfast!  I can start baking our bread again!  We can make cookies!

I don't know if you heard, but I GOT ME SOME FLOUR!

Yes, I'm actually blogging about this.  But do you realize that there hasn't been flour in the stores for over a month?  In the States, I bought flour maybe once every few months.  Here, I go through 2 or 3 kilos every week.  That's between 4 and 7 pounds!

Now, if only the store would get some butter.


  1. YAY!!! I am so happy you finally found flour! The other night I was asking Chris if it would be possible to send you some from Tarakan, but he thought they might not let us send food. Anyway, next time you have a flour shortage let me know and I will try to send some down there. Enjoy!!!


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