Up too early - Prayer Request

Oh, goodness, it's only 5 am here and I just can't sleep.  Our whole family is still battling illness.  I was feeling pretty proud of us for not getting sick in a very long time, but whatever we have now, it's just not going away.  Luckily, none of us have been so sick we had to spend the day in bed, but we've all had some bouts where we felt pretty rotten for a few hours at least - usually when we're trying to sleep.

I'm up this morning early because I just couldn't breathe laying down any more.  Yesterday, it was Madison who was up early with a sore "neck," runny nose, and bad cough.  The day before that it was Brooklyn up all night with what she described as a stomachache but we finally figured out it was actually a badly pulled ab muscle from coughing so hard!  The poor girl spent the whole following day walking like an old lady. At different times throughout the day (and night) one or more of us is coughing, sneezing, wheezing, or having a bad sinus headache...and then it just goes away, tricking us into thinking we're on the mend until suddenly it hits again.

This has been going on for two weeks, now.  Ridiculous!

Yesterday, I went to the pharmacy and picked up some antibiotics for the whole family - yes, I just walked right in there and told them what we wanted and about $2.50 later walked out with enough antibiotics for a family of five in both pill and syrup form.  I don't mind that we didn't have to go see a doctor to tell us that we're sick and should be on antibiotics!  Of course, I really hate to use antibiotics and I know it's the ease of getting them here that sort of lowers their effectiveness.  But we're desperate here.  Here's hoping some good, old-fashioned Amoxicillin can do the trick.

 Our teammates, the Pratts, are also battling this stuff. A lot of our Indonesian friends also seem to have it - though they've been worse off with fevers as well, probably due to their lower immunities and lack of good nutrition. I'm thankful that none of our family is completely bedridden because of this sickness but it can sure wear a body down to feel just a little sick all the time.  And we're all sore from all this coughing! Most importantly. we want to be well when my parents get here in five days!

Would you please pray for us?


  1. So sorry you have been sick! I am praying for you now. We ate at Cafeole today and I thought of you guys!

  2. Oh, sorry to hear! Hard to believe that the same crud that's going around Pagosa has made it all the way to Indonesia~ that stinks. We will pray for God's healing touch upon your family. Our son Kevin has been coughing for a couple of weeks. He needs to be well for teaching the Wolf Pups for the next two weeks (at the ski area). We will all be busy up there. Merry Christmas to you, and have a wonderful time with your family!

  3. Thanks for the prayers, guys!

    Linda - oh! I'm sorry to hear the sickies are going around in Pagosa too. I think it must happen all around the world at this time of year, huh? That's so cool that your son is teaching Wolf Pups - praying he can be well for that! I LOVED Wolf Pups when I was a kid. :-)


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