Paige is THREE! Belated Pictures and an Interview

Last week, we celebrated Paige's third birthday.  I cannot believe my baby girl is already three.  For her big day (the 14th) Sean and I spent most of the morning in the Indonesian DMV, trying to get our driver's licenses renewed.  Paige was still in bed when we had to leave and we were gone for four hours - I felt horrible about not being there to wake up my birthday girl on her big day...but she couldn't have cared less.  When we did get home, we gave her her birthday presents and whisked Paige and her sisters off for lunch at KFC.  Then, in the afternoon, Sean and I had a meeting with our Program Manager. There was no time for the little tea party I had planned or for any real celebrating, really. What a birthday, huh?!  Anyway, it was all put right later that night at our MAF staff Christmas party.  The whole MAF staff sang "Happy Birthday" to her in both English and Indonesian and then we had cake.  I'm pretty sure Paige thinks the whole party was just for her.  As unorganized and crazy as her birthday was, she loved it - the next day she was asking if she could "be three again!"  

Birthday lunch at KFC

Paige is a bright and funny little girl with a very mischievous streak. (that comes with the age, though, right?)  She routinely does outrageous and dangerous things that make my heart leap into my throat!  It's near-impossible to stay ahead of her!  She's also very loud, but then, as the youngest, she has to be if she wants to be heard.  Paige can give the best hugs and kisses and she's a Daddy's girl just like her sisters. She loves to talk and is getting quite a big vocabulary.  Lately, she's been starting every sentence with "even" and ending with either "so much" or "that's all."  For example - "Even I want to go see Daddy so much."  or "Even my Grandma is coming to my house...that's all."  Pretty cute!

Thanking Daddy for one of her birthday presents - a tent!

I tried doing a birthday interview with Paige and it was quickly obvious that she's still a little young for these questions.  But she really wanted to do this, so I'm posting her answers anyway.  

What is your favorite activity?
Riding my bike.

What is your favorite color?
Blue? (she doesn't really know her colors yet, so this was a guess on her part)

What is your favorite toy?
Horsey. (I have no idea what she's talking about...I don't think she does either!)

Who are your best friends?
my Joe, 'Mantha

What do you want to be when you grow up?
Cause my Grandma is home. (something tells me she didn't understand these questions but the answers are cute anyway!)

What does Daddy do all day?

What does Mommy do all day?

What do you do all day?
Huggy Dadda.

What are your favorite books?
(her answer to this one was to draw a little circle and then a bigger one around it.  I tried repeating the question but then she just got mad at me for telling her the circle was not a book. Okay, then!)

What are your favorite movies?
The Jungle one...

What are your favorite foods?
a donut

What makes you sad?

What makes you happy?

What makes you mad?

What do you like to do with Daddy?
Fly with Dadda.  Even I want to fly with Dadda so much.

What do you like to do with Mommy? you! (I got a big hug after this!)


  1. Cute pictures and stories about your Paige girl! It is always fun to record what our kids are currently doing - it's amazing how much we forget as time goes by!

    My Claire is 3, too, and I didn't realize it until I read what you said about Paige, but Claire also uses "even" at the beginning of her sentences a lot! That is too funny!


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