Quick update and some links

Oh, goodness, where has the time gone?  The stories in my head are beginning to get backed up again, which means it must be time to write. Ah, if only I had more time....more "this is my life" posts coming soon, okay?

We have two more weeks at language school! After we finish up here, we're heading to Tarakan - our other MAF base in Kalimantan - before going home to Palangka Raya.  We're excited for the time to visit with old and new friends there and for the chance to see where our teammates are living and working! (Sean has been there, the rest of us haven't.) After a week in Tarakan, we'll head back to Palangka Raya where we can settle at last!

Please keep praying for rainy season to begin in earnest - the smoke is back and there has been very little rain again.

I want to leave you with a few links:
  • Rebecca Hopkins lives in Tarakan - her husband is also an MAF pilot.  We all joined MAF at around the same time several years ago.  She's doing a series on Poverty on her blog.  It's powerful and humbling stuff - but worth facing, I believe.  Head on over there and be sure to share your comments!
  • Joy Forney also lives in Tarakan...and, um, yes, her husband is also an MAF pilot!  We've communicated over the years by email but still haven't met in person.  Joy has started a new blog that I hope you'll check out - I know it'll be encouraging to us mothers especially.  
  • Has anybody seen this movie yet?  Is it good?
  • Last, but definitely not least, my sister-in-law makes awesome jewelry and has finally made it available to the world on etsy!  I've already picked out a few things for myself (hello, feather earrings)! Feel free to peruse and buy as much as you like...Christmas is a-coming! I hear she also has some new stuff coming up soon, so don't forget to keep checking back to see what she has :-)   


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