Still plugging away...

  • Saturday will mark our half-way point of our time back in Salatiga!!  I can't wait to get language school completely behind me.  I also can't wait to go back to my home and life in Palangka Raya!
  • It has been raining in Palangka Raya!  The air is clearing up!  So far our teammates, the Pratts, have remained in Tarakan, just to be sure this trend will continue before heading back.  
  • This Friday, I am going on a very special trip to Jakarta for an MAF ladies retreat.  Three whole nights and four days of zero responsibility (haven't had that for 8 years!), lots of pampering, eating at yummy restaurants, fellowship time with fellow missionary ladies, and several sessions full of encouraging words brought by a woman I admire?!?!?!  I can't wait!  I fully expect God to meet me there in that five-star hotel room (a generous donor paid for us to stay in what appears to be the best hotel I'll ever stay in) and I know the weekend will be just the refreshment my weary, dry Mommy spirit needs.  If I can just relax and allow myself to enjoy it, because...
  • Ummm....while I'm gone, Sean will be playing Mr. Mom - which he's wonderful at and fully capable of.  But pray for him, m'kay?  I never like to be a single parent for even a day or two...and there are added challenges to it here due to the simple fact that we're "camping out" here in Salatiga with limited space and limited entertainment!  
  •  The other day I told Paige, "I love you so very, very, very, very, very much, Paigey!"  To which she responded, " I wuv Daddy!  I don't wuv you cwy (cry)!"  


  1. Sounds WONDERFUL! Have an amazing time! Will be praying for Sean and the girls, pretty sure they're in for a lot of fun:)


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