Back online!

Our internet was down for several days and I'm just now getting caught up with the rest of the world.   I haven't been online much in the past two weeks and I shouldn't be so surprised that I survived.  In fact, life went on just fine without my hourly email/Facebook/blog/news checks and I didn't miss much.  Actually, if it weren't for the fact that my birthday was Friday, I wouldn't have missed anything all!

It was fun today to open up my Facebook and email accounts and find all sorts of happy birthday wishes in three different languages!  I'm blessed to have so many friends all over the world - that's one of my favorite things about our life as missionaries...and also one of the hardest because, while we have lots of really great friends, we also have had to say too many good-byes.  Facebook is great, though, for helping us keep in touch with our far-flung friends and family!  Thank you for the birthday wishes!

My birthday weekend was awesome!  Sean surprised me with an overnight trip to Semarang, a nearby city full of wonderful delights like Starbucks coffee and all sorts of great shopping.  Not only did he take me to this wonderful city but he also got us a nice hotel room, splurged on a fancy dinner for all five of us, gave me a perfect and thoughtful birthday present, and allowed me to shop to my heart's content...for dishes no less!  So, I'm coming off of two weekends in a row now of being utterly spoiled.  I could get used to this! ;-)

Sean preached at the expat community church here in Salatiga on Sunday and he did a fantastic job! It's been a long time since he was last able to share like that (in English) and I'm glad he had this opportunity to share his heart and encourage others.  When he finished, the congregation surprised us by gathering around our family and praying for us.  What a blessing!

Sean and I had our last first day of language school today.  We both began our final unit of Indonesian language study and it feels great to know we're so close to finishing formal language school. The next four weeks are going to fly by!  We're anxious to get back home to Palangka Raya - the girls want to get a dog (pray we can find a good one) and Sean and I are looking forward to a more settled-down kind of life.  Sean can get back to flying and the girls and I can finally begin homeschooling. :-)  The only thing we're all dreading is the heat and humidity.  We were just getting adjusted to it around the time we had to come to Salatiga!


  1. Glad you are back! Although I know these breaks (through our own choice or not!) are always good! i missed your posts, though!

    I am glad you had a good birthday. Sounds like it was a wonderful weekend with your family! Starbucks sounds GREAT! Mmmm.... :-) We always enjoyed Starbucks in Bandung, not just for the coffee, but because it seemed like a little corner of America... the air conditioning... the music... the decor... just nice to "get away" for an hour or so!

    Enjoy your last unit! And then... you will "finally" be settled in Palangkaraya! No more moving for a while! Well, until furlough anyway! :-)


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