Today I...

  • Am waiting...still.  But choosing to count my blessings instead of whining. Really!
  • Have heard rumors of delivery of some shipments in the next few days...but not putting too much hope in a speedy or timely arrival. (Things take longer than they take, you know.)
  • Had coffee with the other expat ladies living in Palangka Raya - there are 5 of us. 
  • Let the girls con me into going into the "Pink Store," as they call it (similar to a Claire's, I guess).  Left with three headbands, some hair elastics, and some clips.  Said NO to a million other fun little knick-knacks.  Discovered a great place to shop for some upcoming birthdays!
  • Just started another new (free!) book on my Kindle.  Have I mentioned that I love my Kindle?
  • Am making tortillas from scratch for our dinner tonight - soft tacos!   Am making rice for dinner tonight - taco meat and rice in a bowl!
  • Rearranged our school room/office so that it can also be our play room. Girls sure do like it!  
  • Finished a prayer letter.
  • Decided to blog a little more often, even if it is incredibly dull lists of what I did today ;-)

Brooklyn enjoying the new play area.  Can't wait for the rest of our toys to get here!

(By the way, I've deactivated my Facebook account.  If you need to contact me for any reason, please feel free to use good old-fashioned email from now on ;-)  r cannon at maf dot org - without the spaces and with the proper symbols, of course!)


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