It Came!

Our shipment has finally arrived.  I'm still in a state of shock. Is it really, really here?  And I'm also very tired.  What a day!

Ummm...we didn't have a forklift in our garage so we had to unload everything out of the crates one item at a time and throw it inside the house.  Unfortunately, most of our Indonesian staff is at a retreat right now, so it made things interesting!  We had the help of the two other missionary families here right now (one of those families also got a crate, which was sitting on top of ours in that truck - we had to unload that one first at their house,  they don't have a forklift either. oh my.)  We wound up hiring a guy off the street, plus made the driver work, and our neighbors also came and helped.  It went relatively quickly. And everybody knows exactly how many extra pairs of underwear we brought for Sean ;-)

This is what our front room looks like now!  Okay, so I've whittled it down some - now that same mess is strewn throughout the entire house.  But I have an oven!  And the girls are SO happy to see their toys again.

Pardon me while I go organize those ridiculously wonderful pots and pans (we've had one pot and one frying pan for a few months now) and count the cans of green chilis one more time.  Oh, the joy!

To top it off, I found out that my Daddy is HOME again!  Oh!  And Sean almost got to have his check-ride tomorrow, the examiner was all set to come but alas, there were no flights back to Jakarta for him.  But the other snags are worked out and they'll try again early next week.  AND, we found a dog that we just might be able to get in the next week or so.  

When it rains, it pours.  *happy dance*


  1. YAY YAY YAY!!!!!! I'm so happy for you! Enjoy unpacking and using all that lovely kitchen stuff!

  2. Awesome! SO thankful! Enjoy! And very excited to hear about your dad, praise God.

  3. Woohoo! Praise God! Praying for Sean's certification to come through soon...


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