The other evening....

....Sean and I were sitting out front on our porch enjoying the gentle rain falling. It was a somewhat romantic and peaceful moment, stolen from the midst of harried and hectic day.

Then, we watched a rat - a LARGE, half-drowned rat with a LONG hairless tail - jump out of the gutter that runs in front of our house, scurry right past us and run through our gate into the backyard.


The good news is that he did NOT gain entrance into the Cannon home.

That is very good news indeed.

photo credit Zooillogix


  1. EWWWWW! I totally understand the rat thing! While I was pregnant with numero tres, we had a rat come into our house and that little BA$%!@# really made me angry and anxious. That thing was so smart. I tried everything to kill him and trap him, but it took me forever to get the B! I called him Chuck Norris, I'm not sure why, but anyways.. the only way I caught him was by tying a hot dog to the trap.. what a glorious day when I heard that rat finally caught. I could finally sleep again.. and then we got fleas. And please forgive me for cussing that is just how upset I got about that rat... called me to cussing!

  2. Ugh-I never thought I would spend so much time thinking about rats until I moved here. Really I wonder sometimes why God chose to create the horrid creatures and why they are so strong and smart and hard to kill! I really think they have as much or more stamina, brain power and will to survive than the average human.

    It may be one of my questions for God when I arrive in Heaven. Although I hope I'm not thinking about rats at that point.

    Side note, I think I can actually hear a rat scuffling around in our gudung this very moment-touche!

  3. Oh, ladies...I knew you would understand! Actually, Tristan, your story is worse than anything I've had to deal with so far.

    And Sarah. Your whole rat-in-the-toilet experience would have sent me completely over the edge. I have to admit to being very nervous about sitting down on a toilet ever since I read your story. ACK!


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