A Few Things...

  • Yes, I changed the look of my blog again. It usually takes me a few tries to come up with something I like and I think this is it! Sean took the background picture of orchids when we went out on a little mini-adventure yesterday. I'll share more about that adventure soon, but here's a sneak peak...
  • As I speak, Sean is helping our friends pack up their furniture to ship to their future home on another island. Please pray for the Kirkwoods as they have some HUGE transitions coming up. We're excited for them and, honestly, we just can't wait until it's our turn!
  • I just finished my evaluation for Unit 4 and passed! I start Unit 5 on Monday and Sean will start Unit 6. Time is flying!
  • Please pray for Paige. She's pretty sick today. She has a fever and obvious tummy troubles. I feel so bad for her. She keeps jumping up thinking she feels good enough to play only to realize again that her tummy still "huts." I kept her home from school today and she's been watching movies all morning.
  • And then there's Maddie. I kept her home from school as well. She was complaining that her "neck" hurt this morning and she's been sniffly. Not sure how serious her sickness is but she's also been pretty lethargic this morning so she obviously doesn't feel 100%.
  • I'm going to go ahead and share what's been on my mind a lot lately. It's time to start thinking about how we're going to furnish our house in Palangka Raya and I'm a tad overwhelmed. We need everything from water heaters to beds to appliances to closets/wardrobes. I know God is going to provide for all that we need, (He's never failed us) but it's hard not to panic when we need so much and have to start making decisions yesterday. Sadly, furnishing a house here is a little more complicated than in the States, not to mention costly. Please pray for clarity and provision...and patience and peace... as we address these questions in the next couple of weeks.
  • I have not seen a rat since Sunday night! Just thought you should all know that in case you were about to back out of coming to visit us...ahem, Mother.


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