An update...again.

I promise, more original and interesting posts are on their way. But until then....
  • I was pretty sick at the end of the week. I'm not sure if it was a nasty bug or a nasty parasite, but I seem to be getting better. All I can say is...ew. I hate being that kind of sick. I was so scared I'd have an episode at school, that I stayed home on Friday, even though I was mostly better.
  • We've seen no volcanic ash or any other indication that a volcano is erupting just 15 miles from here. If we didn't check the news once in a while, we'd never know it was happening. Weird.
  • You probably saw Sean's blog post which included a photo of our whole family on the scooter. Yeah. It's comical, to say the least! I never imagined we'd get around that way, but transportation of some sort is a must here in Salatiga and that scooter is what we could afford to get right away. We don't go very far with all five of us on there - obviously it isn't really very safe. Okay, I'll admit it's not safe at all.
  • I'm grateful for the transportation that scooter provides but I'm still convinced we need a car. If any of us gets any bigger, this isn't going to work. And, by the picture on Sean's blog, you can see how smashed poor Paige is. She loves riding the scooter when it's just her and Daddy and she can sit in front and feel the breeze. Otherwise...half the time she's screaming and the other half I think she just can't get a deep enough breath to scream. Oh, no, we don't draw any attention to ourselves when we're cruising the streets...
  • We're halfway done with our unit! Yee-haw! I really do feel like I'm getting better - at least I can halfway communicate with my helpers.
  • Speaking of helpers, I have to say, I'm so grateful for ours. They are wonderful, hardworking ladies. Without them, I'd never be able to leave the house and I'd definitely never have time to study Indonesian. I'm amazed at how much work is involved with keeping house here - no dishwasher, no dryer, a washer that requires constant supervision and participation, no ready-made foods, no easy shopping, floors that need swept and mopped daily, and so much more. They also take great care of Paige while we're at school and I happen to know that that is a HUGE job, in and of itself! One of these days, I hope to introduce you to them on this blog. We'll just have to figure out a way to get their picture without them knowing about it....
  • Brooklyn's parent/teacher conference went great. That girl loves to read and write. She loves school and has no issues whatsoever. If she did have a problem it would be that she's so social that she is easily distracted by her classmates. She's a reader/teacher's pet like her Mom and a social butterfly like her Dad. And she inherited both of our minds for math (or lack thereof). Great.
  • Did I mention that I dropped Sean's laptop on our hard tile floor and broke it? Sigh.
  • Just for your information, because maybe you are thinking nothing I typed here makes any sense: Madison has been talking non-stop the entire time that I've been typing this post. That girl never stops...and her imagination is fascinating!


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